Government seeks support for constitutional amendments – the opposition demands elections


Political moves are combined in the context of constitutional amendments in order to convince the opposition to support them. The current political situation in the country is considered to be the reason for the two-day visit of the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar to Skopje, who will meet with President Stevo Pendarovski, with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, as well as with the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski.
Escobar’s arrival in Skopje takes place after the start of the parliamentary procedure for the adoption of constitutional amendments for the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution as a condition for the country to hold the second intergovernmental session and continue negotiations with the European Union. For now, the Parliament does not have 80 votes in support of the constitutional amendments, and according to Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Marichikj, they currently have the support of 72-73 MPs.
VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski says about Escobar’s visit that any well-intentioned interlocutor and anyone who wants to hear the arguments of the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE is welcome.

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