Michel: Western Balkans enlargement by 2030 a realistic but ambitious goal


European Council President Charles Michel said Tuesday that having set 2030 as the date by which the EU and the Western Balkans must be ready for enlargement was a realistic but ambitious goal, noting that this was the first time in the European history that a European institutional leader was this clear about the date.

In an interview with the STA news agency, he voiced confidence that there is political will for enlargement in the EU.

“We need to do a lot on both sides to make sure that by 2030 we will be ready. It doesn’t mean that everything would be easy, but it means that if we have the political will, if we want to work together, if we want to be sincere on both sides, it is possible to achieve real results for the people in the region and within the EU,” Michel said on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum.

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