Inquiry committee to determine whether there was political responsibility related to the Oncology case


At a session of Parliament Tuesday, the MPs approved VMRO-DPMNE’s request for a 13-member parliamentary inquiry committee to determine if political responsibility exists for officials linked to the Oncology Clinic case.

According to VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Miloshoski, in the past few days there hasn’t been a greater question of public interest than who is politically responsible, he said, for the morbid profit earned by some at the Oncology Clinic, at the expense of the health and lives of the patients.

“We propose the establishment of an inquiry committee for the Oncology Clinic scandal, which will have the authority to determine if political responsibility exists for the medical and government officials that were involved in the scandal,” said Miloshoski.

The Parliament adopted the opposition’s request to review the final audit report on the work of the Clinic. The review of the audit was set as the penultimate item on the agenda.

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