Companies and citizens owe EUR 133 million to the PRO


The list of debtors published by the IRS includes 5,105 companies and citizens who have debts due by May 31, but have not paid them by August 31. Although the total debt is in the net amount of MKD 8,210,260,105 or more than 133 million euros, the IRS points out that there is a reduction of almost six million euros.

At the top of the list of debtors is the company SGSM Oil Gas Service, which owes MKD 218,853,092, that is, over 3.5 million euros. In second place is the Public Utility Company Gostivar, which owes about 2.3 million euros, and in third place is Mil David DOO Skopje, which owes MKD 126 million.

They are followed by Develop Group DOO Skopje, a company owned by the Marriot hotel, which owes MKD 123 million in VAT and profit tax.

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