Court and PPO employees demand a 78% salary increase


The employees of the Public Prosecutor’s Offices and Courts have been on strike since September 27, dissatisfied with the salary differences between them and the elected officials. They demand that their salaries be increased by 78%, as well as the officials, and that the salary supplements that have not been paid for a long period be paid regularly.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia, which includes these employees, announced that the strikes will continue until the demands are met, and only emergency cases will be worked during that period. We are talking about 2,500 employees in the prosecutor’s offices and courts who have an average salary of MKD 25,000.
“The salary difference now in prosecutor’s offices and courts has grown from 1:2 or 3 worker – elected manager, to 1:6 or 7, which is a lot. Dissatisfaction among employees in public prosecutor’s offices and courts is high. The Ministry of Justice and the courts do not accept negotiations and we have decided to strike. On September 27, the employees of the prosecutor’s offices will be the first to leave, and on the 29th they will be joined by the employees of the courts,” said the union head Trpe Deanoski.

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