VMRO-DPMNE Health Commission: The positive list is government marketing to the detriment of citizens


The VMRO-DPMNE Health Commission said in a Facebook status that the positive list is marketing by the Government to the detriment of the citizens.

“While some patients don’t even have the basic necessary medicines in the PHI and are forced to buy them themselves. While the Ministry of Health pompously announced the changes, they still did nothing real for the people. While the Minister of Health walks around the United States for 10 days as if he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We demand answers for the following questions: 1. Why is there still no new medicine on the Positive list? 2. Why haven’t medication been detected that, by including them in the Positive list of medication, would not only not put an additional burden on the budget, but would also enable savings? 3. Why does the procurement of medicines continue with consents from the Ministry of Health and the Health Fund according to conditional budgets and mostly through a non-transparent procedure without rules?,” reads the Commission’s press release.



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