With the so-called “solidarity tax” the Government wants to rob companies, so that there’s more money for criminal tenders, accuses opposition


Instead of fighting against the gray economy, with the new tax, the government will take a bite out of the companies loyal to the state, which pay their taxes regularly, thereby further stimulating the gray economy. This measure is not solidarity, yet robbery, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release.

“The new tax, which provides for double taxation of companies, does not include those that were founded last year and that made millions of profits from the sale of electricity in a short period of time, and the public knows well whose relatives and friends of DUI and SDS officials founded these firms. The goal is to collect as many funds as possible from these loyal companies, so that Ahmeti and Kovachevski have a few more tenders, in these remaining few months, to grab a few more million euros for them and their relatives,’ said the largest opposition party in a press release, in which it is added that, immediately after taking power, VMRO-DPMNE will cancel this harmful law.


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