Macedonians drink 9.6 kilograms of coffee per year, ranking 18th worldwide


The World of Statistics page on the social network X (formerly Twitter) published a list of countries in which the most kilograms of coffee are consumed per capita per year, according to which Macedonia ranks 18th with citizens that drink 3.6 kilograms of coffee per year.

According to these statistics, Finland ranks first, where as much as 9.6 kilograms per inhabitant is drunk annually.

Followed by Norway with 7.2 kilograms, the Netherlands with 6.7, Sweden with 6.5 and Slovenia with 6.1 kilograms.

Austria is also in the top 10 with inhabitants that drink 5.5 kilograms per year, and right behind it, in the seventh position, is Serbia with 5.4 kilograms

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