“Sveti Spas” Humanitarian Organization collected over two tons of food for the financially weak


Another action for the collection of food and hygiene products, which was organized by the Humanitarian Organization “Sveti Spas” on the occasion of the World Day to Fight Hunger, has ended.
We are pleased to inform you that thanks to all the humane people, to all those who lent a hand and joined our call, we managed to collect 2,092 kg. food and hygiene products as well as almost 50,000 Macedonian denars, funds that we will use to purchase what is missing, but also for the normal functioning of our humanitarian organization. Considering the current economic situation, we can declare this action, which was titled “Together against hunger”, a complete success!
“Huge thanks to our volunteers, without whom this action would not have been possible, to the mayors of Kisela Voda, Aerodrom and Gazi Baba municipalities who delivered humanitarian packages to our checkpoints, to all the noble people who, according to their means, donated and provided food for the tables of the financially weaker,” said representatives of the Sveti Spas organization.

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