Nikoloski: The presidential and parliamentary elections should be held together


n an interview with TV Kanal 5 News, VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader Aleksandar Nikoloski emphasized that it was logical that the presidential and parliamentary elections should be held next spring, and should be held on the same day and assessed that the ruling SDSM did not have a single credible argument in its claim that the elections should held in two different terms.
“It is logical that the elections should be combined because Macedonia should have presidential and parliamentary elections in the spring. And to stretch the deadlines as much as possible, the difference between one and the other elections cannot be more than one and a half to two months. So the logical question is whether Macedonia is such a rich country to spend money twice for elections. The answer is clear, the Government wants to buy more time and so far I have not received any credible argument from the SDSM as to why separate elections are better for Macedonia than joint elections,” said Nikoloski.
The opposition high official added that any communication that could contribute to joint elections was welcome.

“We offered May 8 as an option when the presidential and parliamentary elections can be combined, we remain open to other ideas that will bring us to combined elections because there is no logic in spending money twice, freezing the economy, freezing the state when the maximum difference between one and the other elections can be one and a half to two months, and this government will certainly lose in the next presidential and parliamentary elections,” Nikoloski pointed out.

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