Zaev is the head of the racketeering octopus, his phone needs to be examined


Antonio Milososki at today's press conference called on the basis of the statements
obtained from the "Racket" case in the courtroom, the Ministry of Interior and the
Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime no matter how far they have
reached with the expertise of the phones of Boki 13 and Zoki Kicheec, to start they
are examining Zoran Zaev’s phone that he used during the time when he had
frequent meetings with Boki 13.
– The statement that Zoran Zaev on 1TV television, for which he knew and
participated in illegal financing, according to the recordings received so far on April 3,
2019, warned the first defendant Boki 13 that he was being monitored by foreign
services and prosecutors. This means that he wanted to cover up the crime, in which
Zoran Zaev was probably the head of this racketeering scheme. We believe that Mr.
Zoran Zaev should finally return to where he started before he became Prime
Minister, and that is in the courtrooms. In order to be able to give its modest
contribution to the disclosure in the scheme for racketeering of approximately 20
million euros from several businessmen in the Republic of Macedonia, said

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