2024 draft-budget to amount to EUR 5.5 billion


The Government of N. Macedonia adopted the draft-budget for 2024 at a session Tuesday. It characterized it as a budget capable of supporting development while also ensuring fiscal sustainability. The expenditures are projected at MKD 343.6 billion, or 5.8 percent higher compared to 2023, while revenues are projected at MKD 310.1 billion or 10 percent higher than last year. The budget deficit is lower by MKD 9.2 billion compared to 2023, which according to the Government, will mean a reduction of borrowing by EUR 150 million.
The inflation rate is expected to stabilize at 3.6 percent in conditions of a stable level of energy and food prices.
Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski announced that the capital expenditures will be 733 million euros and that “the budget has a pronounced development component”, while an investment cycle is planned for the economy to stand on solid ground.

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