Taravari: We had meetings with Ahmeti and Kovachevski, but for now we are against the option of going to the elections together with single electoral list


The leader of the Alliance for Albanians, Arben Taravari, said during his visit to the TV21 studio that the possibility of putting a single electoral list for the elections was considered. The leader of the AA stated that they are currently against it.

“We had a meeting with Ahmeti and Kovachevski. We discussed the possibility of a single electoral list and going to the elections together. Although we are not closing the matter, I believe that at the moment it is problematic for us as a party to have DUI on one list. I will make an analysis, I will consult with the membership and next week we will decide whether we will go with SDSM and DUI in the upcoming elections,” said Taravari.


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