Over 400.000 citizens to be included in new anti-crisis measures expected to be announced Tuesday


Over 400.000 citizens, pensioners, pupils, students, single parents will be included in the anti-crisis measures expected to be adopted Tuesday at a government session, said Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Economic affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, at a press conference Monday.

Asked how many companies would have their accounts blocked due to a failure to pay the solidarity tax, Bytyqi said the figure is under 20 and constantly changing. He noted that the funds would be used for the upcoming anti-crisis measures.

“The funds will be used for the anti-crisis measures that we expect will be discussed at a government session tomorrow, and which are aimed at the most vulnerable categories of citizens, including the largest group of citizens – the pensioners, which will receive a certain sum for several months, as well as pupils, students, single parents, etc.,” said Bytyqi.


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