Janushev: Was there a report 5 days ago to the Skopje PD that the murderer was Palevski and why was nothing done?


Today’s press conference should have been dedicated to the well-founded suspicions about the illegal monitoring of communications and the abuses committed by the security services, the Ministry of Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office, about which the government is stubbornly silent.

And no matter how terrible and big that scandal is, nothing is more terrible and bigger than the tragic end in the case of young Vanja and the gruesome double murder.

Allow me to express my deepest condolences to the families of young Vanja and Panche. May they rest in peace, MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Igor Janushev told a press conference on Monday.

This press conference refers to the unanswered questions about this case and the need for accountability of the man whose name has been associated with crime, corruption and incompetence for more than 8 years – Oliver Spasovski. While Oliver Spasovski organized a Summit in Skopje and boasted that he guaranteed the safety of the participants, a racketeering-criminal group of several members roamed around Skopje and killed innocent people, they killed a child!

It was officially registered in the Skopje Police Department that it was Palcho 5 days ago! Why was no action taken on that information for 5 days?!

How can a person be missing for several days with his own vehicle, which the killers then use to kidnap another person and commit a new crime with it – kidnapping and murder?

Where is Spasovski’s Safe City system, when the vehicle of the missing man was located in Skopje several days earlier?

We demand an immediate resignation from the minister who is a friend of crime. And we demand that as VMRO-DPMNE, as a political party, those incompetent from the government finally remember and declare a day of mourning, said Janushev.

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