Gjorchev: The demographic disaster continues, a 30% drop in newborns in the last 6 years, a drop in September of 13%


The demographic disaster of the SDS/DUI-led Government continues. Macedonian citizens are leaving and Macedonia is disappearing, the numbers have never, ever been worse, VMRO-DPMNE official Vlatko Gjorchev said at a press conference on Wednesday.
“If we compare the third quarter of 2016 with the third quarter of 2023, we come to the conclusion that the drop in newborns is 30%. The drop from 2016’s third quarter is from 6,300 births to 4,400 births. That’s a staggering drop of 92 school classes in just a 9-month period. A terrible number that means empty schools, empty streets, empty cities, empty villages, empty Macedonia. This means that our country is left without people. Only in September of this year 2023, the number of newborns dropped by 13% compared to last September 2022. Last year 2022 was the worst demographic year in the history of Macedonia, never fewer babies, never fewer people. Now in that worst year of 2022, we have a 13% drop in September alone. So, between 1620 and 1400 babies were born. This means that we have lost 11 classes in just one month. These are staggering numbers, these are numbers that affect all regions, all cities, all municipalities in Macedonia. These are numbers that show that there will be no consumers in Macedonia, that the municipalities will not have people, that the schools will not have students, that the kindergartens will not have children, that the companies and the economy will not have consumers,” noted Gjorchev.

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