Janevska: Macedonia is at the bottom according to the PISA as a result of the bad situation in society, we will start working immediately after elections


The PISA testing 2022 shows disastrous results. Macedonia is either at the bottom of the ranking list or in competition with the countries of the so-called third world, said Vesna Janevska, president of the VMRO-DPMNE Education Commission in an interview with Sitel TV News.

Janevska pointed out that out of a total of 81 countries that were part of the testing, the country ranks 71st place in reading comprehension, at the 68th place in terms of knowledge in the field of natural sciences and at the 61st place in terms of achievements in the field of mathematics, or this is a very low level of knowledge among students.

“Our education reflects our society. One cannot expect much from the education system and from everyone involved in it at this moment now because one see what the situation is in society, in all areas,” Janevska said.

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