Kovachki: Spasovski’s MoI knew that Panche’s vehicle was missing and did nothing for 4 days


If the Ministry of Interior led by Oliver Spasovski had taken all measures to find the now murdered Panche and his vehicle, Vanja’s murder could have been prevented. Instead of spite, Spasovski and the Government should take responsibility, accused VMRO-DPMNE MP and EX member Dragan Kovachki at a press briefing on Tuesday.
“We have been asking for days, while Spasovski’s been running away and manipulating. Now we will reveal the truth. On December 4, when Spasovski held a joint press conference with Prosecutor Gavril Bubevski, he said about Panche’s vehicle: “That vehicle did not move until November 27 and we had no information that it was taken. A is registered by cameras, as well as a Renault vehicle. A search was also carried out in the political party Treta, to which it belonged, and certain information was found.”
Spasovski lied to the people with this statement.
The truth is this: The Ministry of Interior knew on November 24 that the vehicle of the now murdered and then missing Panche had been missing since November 22, i.e. 5 days before Vanja’s murder.
This is a telegram from the Veles Interior Department to all police departments on the territory of Macedonia, in which it is noted that the person Panche Zhezhovski together with his car, which is the car with which Vanja was kidnapped, has been reported missing by a member of his family on November 24.
This telegram is proof that Spasovski’s Ministry of Interior knew that Panche’s vehicle was missing since November 22, but unfortunately they are not taking any action. On the contrary, the police in relation to this case take action 4 days after the disappearance was reported, i.e. on November 28, which is the date when this telegram was sent,” Kovachki pointed out.

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