Miteva: Corruption is in every pore of the state, money has been wasted, and those responsible are at large


The United States allocated about 500 million US dollars for good governance and the rule of law, and we see an epidemic of corruption in Macedonia. This is the statement of the strategic partners, which is a confirmation that corruption is in every pore of society, in every sector, said the VMRO-DPMNEspokesperson MarijaMiteva at a press briefing on Thursday.

“SDS and DUI have been in power for seven years. Oliver Spasovski has been the Minister of Interior for almost nine years, and Macedonia is getting more and more mired in crime and corruption every year. Confidence in the judiciary is only 2%, it has never been lower. Crime and corruption with SDS and DUI have become a modus operandi that can only be eradicated by removing them from power. There is basically no sector in the country in which there is no corruption, whether it is healthcare, whether it is education, whether it is the judiciary, prosecution, or other sectors, corruption is everywhere,” said the opposition spokesperson.

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