SEC President says that conditions to hold a safe vote are not met


The President of the State Electoral Commission Oliver Derkovski said that the conditions to hold elections are currently not met. He warned that there is no possibility to ensure that voters and members of electoral boards maintain a distance of 2 meters and operate under masks.

Derkovski responded to the push by the ruling SDSM party to have elections as soon as possible, with June 14 being mentioned by SDSM official as their proposal. The opposition VMRO-DPMNE party, which nominated Derkovski, insists that SDSM leader Zoran Zaev is pushing the election date far too ahead, before it is safe to vote, because he fears that the continued economic decline will reduce his odds even further.

SDSM candidate in the State Electoral Commission Boris Kondarko, on the other hand, followed the party line and said that the SEC should hold elections whenever party leaders tell the Commission to do so.

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