DPMNE officials create the polls themselves so they can kick-start their day, says Kovachevski


I am optimistic about the elections, I know that in DPMNE there is a survey in which 80% of the citizens cannot recognize what the policy of this party is in relation to the interests of the citizens, so they must write their own polls, to make it easier on them, so they can kick start their day, said the Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski in an interview with Sloboden Pechat daily news outlet.

The facts show that the SDSM has a several times better economic result in all areas, stressed Kovachevski.

“If we talk with the facts, then the average wage has increased by 50%, the minimum wage has increased by 100%. If in 2016 4.5 salaries were needed for one consumption basket, today 2 minimum salaries are needed to cover one consumption basket. Those are facts. If we talk about pensions, it is a fact that the minimum pension is now 50% higher than it was in 2016 and it is a fact that the average pension is 50% higher than it was in 2016. If we talk about unemployment, in 2016 unemployment was 24%, today unemployment is 13%, next year it will be 11%. We will have a single-digit unemployment rate for the first time in decades. And these are facts that cannot be denied with populism and fake news,” Kovachevski said.

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