Health officials recommend reopening malls, reopening restaurants next week


The Committee for Infectious Diseases has submitted to the government a draft proposal to relax restrictive measures, Health Minister Venko Filipche told a press conference Tuesday.

The first set of relaxed measures entails reopening education and training centers for adults, as well as exam centers and driving schools, allowing outdoor individual sports practices to resume, and reopening malls and betting establishments that provide services from behind a counter and don’t serve food and drinks.

The proposal to ease measures, he underlined, was drafted based on several criteria.

“The decision to relax measures was based on several criteria applied by the World Health Organization, including whether the epidemic is under control, whether the healthcare system is capable of managing the current patient load, as well as an increased number of cases, and whether it can detect and manage patients’ contacts to identify new cases. All these criteria have been met. The situation in the country is stable,” Filipce said.

Once the epidemiological situation following the first set to relaxed measures is appraised, next week, the Committee is set to recommend that hospitality establishments are allowed to serve customers and outdoor group sport practices resume, while the week after that, casinos, pools, gyms, and hotels reopen and indoor sports practices restart.

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