Ahmeti: The Ohrid Agreement made us masters of our own house


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti addressed the Parliament on Sunday and said that no one was a tenant in the country anymore. Neither you are tenants, nor my colleagues are the landlords, said Ahmeti.

“One thing is true – the Ohrid Framework Agreement gave us the deed to be gentlemen in our own house, the peace agreement did not only change the character of the state, it did not change only the status of the Albanians in the state, the Roma, the Serbs, the Vlachs also benefited, they all won. This agreement made us masters in our own house. We worked together for these 22 years. My party and I tried to have a real partnership with SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE,” said Ahmeti.

The DUI leader says that as he voted for Talat Xhaferi, he also voted for Jovan Mitrevski to be the new Parliament Speaker.


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