Geer: Important for the media to report in an open and unbiased manner during election period


It is important for all media actors to report in an open and unbiased manner during the election period in order for the public to have accurate information. The candidates of the political parties need to be presented in a clear way and open debate should exist. Disinformation, fake news and other forms of manipulation should be dealt with in a swift and legal way, said the EU Ambassador to Macedonia, David Geer, at an event called “The Importance of a Functioning Public Service Broadcasting System for Democracy in Europe” in Skopje on Tuesday.

Geer pointed out that the existence of free and independent media is essential for every democracy.

“This is especially true for the public broadcasting service and the media regulator, which exist in a rapidly changing media environment today. There are various threats today that were unimaginable to people a generation ago. This is due to the Internet and social media, as well as new technologies,” Geer added.

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