They want to pass laws that won’t solve the citizens’ key problems 97 days before elections, says Andonovski


Citizens, employees and the European Union require us to have fast, efficient and timely services. The rule of law throughout Macedonia, that the laws apply equally to everyone, a merit system in employment and promotion, as well as a fair salary system. Unfortunately none of these laws solve any of these issues. If these laws come into force, we will continue to have a situation where one has to run from counter to counter to get some kind of document. Possibly to have a contact in DUI or SDSM so that you can finish your work faster. Only the party-eligible ones will continue to receive awards or compensations, and the right will continue to not rule everywhere, as in the case of the proceedings against the union in M-NAV, etc., said Stefan Andonovski, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, in an interview with Sitel TV.

“Just 97 days before the elections, they want to pass laws that won’t solve the above-mentioned issues. On the contrary, the laws provide without any need for the creation of 2 new institutions, two new directors, two new commissions that will count with 5 and 7 members each with incredibly high incomes, which means official cars, secretaries and various additional expenses,” added Andonovski.

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