Culture’s new annual program, new scandals – a festival in Kosovo to be financed with public funds, and the locals are barely making ends meet, accuses opposition


The results of the annual competition for financing projects in culture of national interest for 2024 and this year are scandalous. Renowned festivals, institutions and establishments will barely make ends meet, and the government distributes enormous funds to anonymous persons, associations and events that either no one has heard of or they are formed for one-time use – to receive state funding, VMRO-DPMNE accused on Saturday.

That’s how an international forum received less funds than a natural person who comes from the same city as the Culture Minister Bisera Kostadinovska for the “Azbuchen Spomenar” project for which the ministry gave more than 1,100,000 denars. Or again, the case with 30,000 euros for activities at a drama festival in Kosovo, and at the same time domestic theaters will barely make ends meet.

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