French Ambassador: Skopje and Sofia to continue finding mutually acceptable solutions in European spirit


That positive spirit must be maintained by both sides, especially in the framework of
the activities of the expert commissions that have given certain encouraging results,
said French Ambassador Christian Thimonier in an interview with MIA.
The positive dynamics that were established by the signing of the Friendship
Agreement in 2017 and which continued with the Prespa Agreement, made it
possible to reach a unanimous decision of the member states to start negotiations
for accession to the Union. That positive spirit must be maintained by both sides,

especially in the framework of the activities of the expert committees that have given
certain encouraging results, said French Ambassador to Skopje Christian Thimonier
in an interview with MIA.
– It is necessary to continue with finding mutually acceptable solutions, based on
scientific research and in the spirit of mutual understanding. The European spirit and
the promise of shared values ​​enabled the accession of member states in the past
and will enable the integration of new members in the future. The two nations agree
that they have common historical and cultural roots, as evidenced by the beautiful
initiative to celebrate St. Cyril and Methodius together every year at the highest
political level in Rome. Europe needs, especially when it comes to the Balkans, to
nurture the spirit of communication by respecting the other side.
It is necessary for both sides to calm in the interest of the two countries and the two
peoples, but also in the interest of Europe, which must respond to the new
challenges that threaten its survival, as well as its values ​​and prosperity, said
Thimonier commenting on the public assessments of a possible new veto from Sofia
on our country's EU integration path.


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