Permits for foreign residents extended until August 31


The period of stay until August 31 this year is extended to foreigners in the country
who have a short-term stay or a short-stay visa expired during the state of
emergency, according to the Interior Ministry.
It also extends the validity of temporary residence permits and permanent residence
permits, the validity of which has expired or expired during a state of emergency. In
this case as well, the validity of the residence permits is extended until the end of the
state of emergency, until August 31, 2020.
A new Decree has been adopted with legal force for the application of the Law on
Foreign Residents during the state of emergency, as well as for the period after the
termination of the state of emergency. The stated regulation is an amendment to the
Decree adopted on 20.03.2020.
The Ministry of Interior points out to foreigners that in the coming months we expect
gradual normalization of the situation, opening of border crossings and return to
function of all types of passenger traffic and therefore to monitor the development of
the situation and if the conditions for travel in this period are created to approach the
procedures for regulating residence, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on
Foreign Residents.

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