VMRO-DPMNE announces charges against the Board of Directors of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors


Macedonian Ministry of Justice of Krenar Lloga, in coordination with Ahmeti and Kovachevski, in a smuggling manner in the Parliament by abusing the EU flag procedure, amended the Law on the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors.
And that main exam for students to enter the Academy, which should only be taken electronically and is a European rule, they changed it and added as an exception that it can also be taken in writing, because DUI, SDS and Krenar Lloga already have a list prepared in advance for the next 130 students of this Academy, who should be future judges and prosecutors, said MP and VMRO-DPMNE EC member Antonijo Miloshoski on Friday.
“Therefore, respected members of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors, we point out that you will bear criminal responsibility if you vote to pass the written exam during scheduled elections, because it is part of an employment procedure that is prohibited by law. Think about it because the rule of law is much more important than the career of some close people of Ramiz Merko. You are judges, you are prosecutors, you are members of the Management Board and your career today and in the future will depend a lot on this decision,” said Miloshoski.

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