Women to step into the world of stocks more boldly


The Macedonian Stock Exchange and Capital Financial Center organized a joint event to raise the financial literacy of women. At a panel discussion on Friday titled “Women and money – emotion or reason”, through personal experiences, this topic was examined from different perspectives to determine when emotions prevail, that is, reason when making financial decisions.

The panel discussion was attended by Biljana Stankovska-Arsova from Capital Financial Center, a company for financial counseling and education in the field of personal finance, Biljana Atanasovska from the psychological counseling center “Bozhilak” as a graduate psychologist and Karolina Karovska-Bozhinoska from the Macedonian Stock Exchange, head of the Education, Promotion department and development of the Stock Exchange.

Each of them shared their personal experience with investments from their own perspective, and in the end they all concluded that it is right for women to enter the world of stocks more boldly, because such investments are many times more profitable in the long term than any other financial instrument on the market.



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