Government accepts EVN’s offer as a universal supplier


At a meeting on Wednesday, the Government, in accordance with the Law on Energy, adopted a decision on the selection of a universal supplier. For the most favorable offer for the selection of a universal supplier, the offer submitted by the group of bidders EVN Macedonia DOOEL Skopje – holder and EVN Macedonia AD Skopje – member of the group was selected in the appropriate procedure, the government press service informed on Wednesday.

The economic operator who has offered the lowest percentage of gross margin during the electronic auction, and whose offer has previously been evaluated as acceptable, is chosen as the holder of the purchase. The criterion for awarding the universal supplier contract is the gross supply margin offered. The basis for the calculation of the price at which the universal supplier will supply small consumers and households, which includes the gross margin, is in accordance with the Tariff System for the sale of electricity to consumers supplied by the universal supplier and the supplier of last resort (“Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” No. 246/23), adopted by the Regulatory Commission for Energy, Water Services and Municipal Waste Management Services.

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