Ombudsman launches free phone line for reporting voter’s rights violations


The Ombudsman’s Office, on Wednesday April 24, when the first round of the 2024 presidential elections will be held, citizens will be able to report any violation of their voting rights on the free phone line 0800 54321 which will be operating from 7 am to 7 pm.

In addition to the free phone line, citizens will be able to report violations of voting rights in person at the Ombudsman’s Office in Skopje, which is located on “Macedonia” street no.19 at the Makoshped building, the Ombudsman said in a press release.

The Ombudsman, aiming to protect citizens’ voting rights, will take urgent measures to ensure effective action by the competent authorities involved in the electoral process and by other institutions that are required to ensure protection of their rights guaranteed.

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