We are committed to quick results and keeping our promises to transform Macedonia, says Mickoski


You are our motivation and strength. Without you, neither VMRO-DPMNE, nor Macedonia, nor the coalition Your Macedonia would be what we are today. And what are we doing today? Today, after the first round of the presidential elections, I can proudly say that the people and the coalition Your Macedonia led by VMRO-DPMNE formed the largest coalition in history and as a result of that coalition professor Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova has more than twice the votes of her opponent Stevo Pendarovski, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski at a rally in Mogila on Sunday, as part of the campaign for the presidential and parliamentary elections.

Mickoski stressed that the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE was continuously making history together with the people, pointing out that after the local elections, he expects them to win and make history together with the people in these elections.

Mickoski emphasized that victory means responsibility and quick results, adding that they have a plan, energy, motive to realize everything they promise.

“This is a responsibility. We are aware that this is a responsibility and the people are looking for quick results. We have a plan, energy, motive. You are our motivation to implement all that we are talking about all over Macedonia immediately after the formation of the new government and to immediately feel the quick results. That is our goal,” Mickoski said.


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