Mickoski – Drexler: Priorities of VMRO-DPMNE-led government aimed at EU integration, accelerated economic development and fight against crime and corruption


The priorities of VMRO-DPMNE-led government are aimed at European integration, accelerated economic development and the fight against crime and corruption, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said at the meeting with the German Ambassador Petra Drexler on Monday.

At the meeting, party leader Mickoski presented the commitments that VMRO-DPMNE will have as a future government, namely European integration, accelerated economic development and the fight against crime and corruption.

“It is necessary to put Macedonia on the fast track to the EU, but also to accelerate the economic development and improve the standard of living of the citizens. The fight against crime and corruption is crucial, because the SDS and DUI government has degraded the state on all grounds, and mostly in that field. VMRO-DPMNE will work for all citizens of the country, not SDS and DUI as before,” reads the VMRO-DPMNE press release.

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