Administrative Court rejects European Front’s lawsuit on Larce revote as unfounded


The Administrative Court at a public hearing held late Wednesday rejected as unfounded the lawsuit filed by the European Front coalition regarding the Parliamentary Elections 2024, against the decision of the State Election Commission (SEC) over the revote in polling station 2101 in the village of Larce in the Municipality of Zhelino.
“The lawsuit filed by European Front coalition led by the Democratic Union for Integration (People’s Movement – DN, Democratic Party of Albanians, European Democratic Party EDP, Democratic Party of Turks, Political Party Union of Roma – URA, Political Party Bosniac Democratic Union – BDS) election campaign – parliamentary elections 2024, in election districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, submitted against the decision of the State Election Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia (SEC)UP1.No.10-33 of 27.05.2024 , is rejected as unfounded,” reads the press release of the Administrative Court.

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