High schools end school year, primary schools begin summer break on June 17


The 2023/2024 school year ends on Monday for high school students, while primary school goers have an additional week left until their summer break which will begin on June 17.

The end of the school year on June 17 was scheduled for all students, but the Ministry of Education and Science responded to the request made by the Union of Secondary School Students.

“The Law on Primary Education specifies the exact number of working days (180) in primary education. The Law on Secondary Education does not specify a legal obligation for the exact number of working days.  All decisions are made in consultation with those affected. The union of high school students requested that except for the spring break, due to the administrative procedures of enrolling children in higher education, secondary education should end on June 10. The law allowed it and we acted here,” said Minister of Education and Science Jeton Shaqiri two months ago.



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