VMRO-DPMNE’s Mucunski: The easing of measures should not be an excuse to hold elections, polls say that 75% of citizens do not want fast parliamentary elections


All polls show that 75% of citizens say that there should be no quick parliamentary elections in Macedonia, primarily because people are still afraid to leave their homes comfortably, and not to come and vote in elections, said VMRO-DPMNE MP candidate Timco Mucunski.

In Alsat M’s TV show “Patot kon”, Mucunski stressed that the easing of measures against the spread of coronavirus should not serve as an excuse to go to the polls, because unlike some countries in the region where there is a decrease or no newly infected with COVID-19, the country still has a high number of newly infected, but also deaths.

“The easing of the measures should not serve as an excuse to hold parliamentary elections, especially not soon. Practically, we will start the campaign in three or four days. And realistically, when we ask the citizens, all the polls say that 75% of our citizens say that there should be no quick elections. If we manage to reach a consensus on something that will be conditionally interpreted as fast by the citizens, we should convince them that we have created appropriate protocols for 75 percent in order to have greater turnout,” Mucinski said.

I still do not see that the citizens are ready to be in contact with the candidates for MPs, to participate in events of political parties, because we should not interpret the elections only as election day, we must interpret it as a process of representation of candidates, of the platform process. “We cannot have a Facebook government elected through Facebook parliamentary elections.”

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