SDSM Secretary General calls for staying at home, and then sends best regards from Berovo Lake, violating measures and recommendations!


SDSM Secretary General Ljupco Nikolovski on June 4 on Facebook called on
citizens to stay at home because, as he says, COVID-19 virus is a real phenomenon.

Вирусот КОВИД-19 е реална појава и затоа никој не смее да ја игнорира оваа закана. На тој начин ја загрозува личната и…

Публикувахте от Ljupcho Nikolovski в Четвъртък, 4 юни 2020 г.

Yesterday, on Instagram, he greeted them with a photo from Berovo Lake, hence the
question who should respect the measures and recommendations?
Ljupco Nikolovski is from Kriva Palanka, but this weekend he chose the Berovo Lake
as a getaway destination.

Several SDSM officials have tested positive for coronavirus, and many have been
placed in self-isolation. The party Levica has even filed a complaint with the State
Election Commission for early campaigning by SDSM.

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