Macedonia 103rd in the world according to dealing with coronavirus


In the latest ranking regarding the pandemic situation in the novel coronavirus in the
world and the treatment of countries with it, an analysis of 200 countries and
territories, Macedonia is on the defeating 103rd place, in the company of the
Dominican Republic, with Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius and
St. Lucia.
The display shows that neighboring countries such as Greece, Albania, Croatia,
Serbia and Bulgaria are not even close to where Macedonia is ranked in terms of
coronavirus status.
In the tabular view in that section are countries that actually deal with the virus the
worst. Macedonia is experiencing a fiasco on coronavirus treatment tables.
According to the latest statistics on the number of newly infected and deaths per
million inhabitants, Macedonia is a leader in the region with a rate of 50.5 percent at
the beginning of this month, unlike the numbers in the region where the rate of new
cases totals for all countries accounted for 3.6 percent.
In a week from June 1st to June 7th, Macedonia recorded a total of 802 new cases
and 20 deaths, a number that is not only a leader in the region, but a defeat for
dealing with the coronavirus in the country.
Of concern is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, which
is 153 deaths, as well as the huge number of active cases that reached 2,226.
Although Health Minister Venko Filipce said they were well-known clusters, that only
15 families carry a total of 90% of new cases, the number is expected to rise in the
next period due to over 80,000 citizens leaving Skopje this weekend, due to the
potential for spread the virus.
The government has faced criticism for its new statistics on the number of deaths in
the region, experts say government fiasco in ignorance and inability to deal with
coronavirus status is only detrimental to citizens' health and lives.

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