Opposition leader warns of disastrous economic results


Coronavirus takes lives, the Commission on Infectious Diseases is not up to the task, and the main problem is that political orders are being met instead of health care decisions, but the state of the economy is also catastrophic with declining exports. 60% of which requires economic support sets to be valid for July and August, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski told the media.

“In a situation where the political calculator for counting newborns is involved, and in order to act normally instead of being tested realistically, every wrong decision will come back like a boomerang with bigger problems than before. And we are no longer in a dead end because of the key ambitions of Zaev, Spasovski’s career or the dictates of the Commission, but the country is moving in a one-way street on the opposite side of the direction of the movement,” Mickoski said.

He stressed that all surrounding countries are declaring an end to the epidemic, while Macedonia is turning into a “Balkan Vuhan”, with indicators such as the beginning of the worldwide pandemic.

Besides the great concern from the current health situation in the country, Mickoski expressed equal concern over the situation in the Macedonian economy, assessing that its “terrible decline” is taking place, which is reflected in the data published the day before by the State Statistical Office and especially what determines the growth of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of this year.

“Do you remember when Zaev, Spasovski, Carovska, Angelovska tried to persuade us that the country was shining, that the economy is practically booming? Well, yesterday’s data denies all that, but denies it in a brutal way. Namely, the catastrophic low growth of the Macedonian economy in the first quarter is slightly more than zero or 0.2%. And what is the case in the surrounding area and what is the case with the other Balkan countries? Namely, neighboring Serbia recorded a growth of 5%, followed by Turkey of 4.5%, Croatia 0.4%, neighboring Bulgaria of 1.2%. And all those who have several times more GDP than us in the first quarter deny what Zoran Zaev said in the parliament when he handed over the post of Prime Minister, and everything that the line ministers further mentioned that we are shining and that our economy is on the right track”, said Mickoski.

He pointed out that the second worrying indicator, which occurs after a few years, is the dramatic decline in exports in the first four months of the year, especially in April, which is 60 percent.

“I repeat, the Macedonian economy managed to export goods to the world by 60% less this April compared to April 2019, and in the first four months starting January 1 ending April 30 the Macedonian economy managed to export 21.5% less goods compared to the same period in 2019. I will repeat that in the first four months of 2020, the Macedonian economy managed to export 21.5% less than what it did for the same period in 2019,” Mickoski said.

Mickoski stressed that the chambers of commerce in the country had already shared their thoughts for the situation in the real sector, in the economy and in businesses.

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