VMRO-DPMNE International Secretary: Blockade by Bulgaria is very likely


A consensus is needed for negotiations with the EU given that more governing sets may be changed during the negotiation process, but so far the government has not asked for expert help from the opposition, although as a party they have the capacity to help in many sectors, said VMRO-DPMNE International Secretary Timco Mucunski for the Sitel TV news.

“The negotiation process is a process that requires expertise in various aspects of the chapters that are negotiated in accordance with the new methodology. There is an expert impetus that our political party can give, we have said that in the past, it is a process that requires continuity and that long-term approach should be considered by both the government and the opposition, regardless of how it will be. Changes are happening in our society and it is a process that will last for a long time,” said Mucunski.

According to Mucunski, the fact that Macedonia may experience a new blockade during the negotiations is worrying, this time from Bulgaria, and the state has not reached a single position on this issue, although there has been enough time.

“We believe that there is no expediency and need at this moment to discuss with a negotiating framework that is not final and not definitive. We need to see what the impetus of the member states will be, and what worries us is definitely that there is a high probability that a new bilateral dispute will be imposed on the Republic of Macedonia, by our neighbor Bulgaria. We should have a national strategy and consensus here, unfortunately it is missing and VMRO-DPMNE is very worried about the trajectory of our European integration path from that point of view,” Mucunski said.

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