Serbia with over 7 million has 66 COVID-19 cases – Macedonia has 175


In neighboring Serbia, 66 cases of COVID-19 have been diagnosed and confirmed in
the last 24 hours, one person has died. Serbia has a population of 7,243,000 on its
territory, which is 3.5 times more than Macedonia.
For comparison, three and a half times smaller Macedonia in the same 24 hours has
175 new cases and 4 deaths.
In other words, a country 3.5 times smaller has 2.5 times more patients and 4 times
more deaths.
In comparison, if there was an irresponsible government like in Macedonia, which
treats coronavirus so badly, Serbia, according to the population and the infected in
our country today, would have over 600 cases of infected and about 14 dead, of
course if it were like Macedonia.
Serbia also has only 432 active cases, unlike Macedonia which has as many as
1687 or 4 times more than the far greater Serbia. If Serbia has dealt with the
coronavirus like Spasovski's government, the comparative analysis says they should
now have more than 7,000 active cases.

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