SDSM and Zaev are pushing Macedonia back to the times of criminal transition


SDSM and Zoran Zaev’s government ruined the Macedonian economy. They were promising capital investments, salary and pension increases, youth guarantees, and all of which delivered only affairs such as “Racket”, “Cash”, criminal tenders, responded VMRO-DPMNE.

– They promised retirees that they would increase their pensions by 1 percent each year, and in January 2017, the same pensions that had been increased for years are now reduced. They abolished the pillar where pensions were leveled in line with average wage growth and so every pensioner in the second half of 2019 lost at least 700 denars a month. Zaev and SDSM promised youth guarantees before the elections. Real education, reformed education, higher education was also promising. In the end, the youth did not receive anything, the party said.

VMRO-DPMNE estimates that farmers received nothing from the promised high subsidies and guaranteed ransom for their products.

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