Number of new COVID-19 cases is over 10 percent of those tested


The epidemic is escalating, the number of new cases is increasing, the number of deaths is increasing due to SDSM’s incompetence, says VMRO-DPMNE’s Olga Lozanovska at today’s press conference.

– The number of infected with the coronavirus exceeded 10 thousand, and the number of deaths is close to 500. Instead of working in order to achieve a decreasing trend in the number of newly infected, they should rejoice that for four days the number of new cases was below 10 percent of the number of persons tested. Everyone wants a trend of reducing the number of new patients, of stabilizing the situation, but that should be the case. The numbers show that there is no need to rejoice. Unfortunately, the latest number of new cases in one day showed again that the number of newly infected is more than 10 percent of the number of tested persons. And the disease appears in those smaller places where it did not exist, and in some of the larger cities the number is growing. For example, Bitola from a city with relatively few patients becomes a leader in the region with active COVID-19 cases. In just two weeks, the number has more than doubled and the total number is 114 positive people, of which 60 are active cases, says Lozanovska

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