Police officials in the SDSM headquarters


The (non) professional staffing and violations of the Law on Internal Affairs under the leadership of SDSM have not stopped breaking the dignity of the Ministry of Interior.

From the moment when Oliver Spasovski as Vice President of that party was nominated as Minister of the Interior, the partisanship of the structure in this institution has not ceased.

Shortly before the establishment of the technical government and Spasovski’s departure as prime minister, a completely new party structure at the MoI was created. And the new police officers, in addition to their professional activities, regularly carry out their party duties.

Against such flagrant violations of regulations, Article 168 of the Law on Internal Affairs states: “A ministry employee must not establish, manage, represent and represent a political party and be a member of the organs of the party established by its statute”.

The videos below prove this, and they are a small piece of the puzzle and a clear illustration of illegal work at the Ministry of Interior under Spasovski’s baton.

Svetlana Vasileva the new head of Valandovo SIA, Tancho Projkovski chief of Strumica OIA and Trajce Stoilov, head of the border police of the southeast region were recorded as entering the SDSM headquarters in Valandovo.

Membership in a political party is particularly contentious for MoI staff that is part of the ministry’s governing bodies. Partisanship at such a key institution can affect the selectivity of justice, but also call into question the quality of staff, as professionalism is neglected at the expense of “successful” party activities.



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