Criminal coalition with a short term and a temporary use, says VMRO-DPMNE


The new Zaev – Ahmeti coalition is for the continuation of the old habits of crime and corruption, reads the initial reaction of VMRO-DPMNE after the news that a coalition agreement was reached between SDSM and DUI.

“The only and biggest denominator of the coalition is crime and lies. We will remind that Zaev before the elections said that DUI wasn’t worth a dime, while DUI said that SDSM is a criminal party. So the country will get a government that is criminal and not worth a dime,” said VMRO-DPMNE.

Regarding the abolition of the Przino government and the Albanian Prime Minister, VMRO-DPMNE reminds that the Przino model itself was agreed between the opposition and the government, and Zaev has no right to abolish it unilaterally without consulting the opposition and the international factor that was the guarantor of that model to market it in the contract for his government.

“This is another spectacular new lie by the two leaders that aims to divert attention from the criminal coalition that will form the government. Those who for 4 months in an advertisement reveal who is building the illegal building in Mavrovka that is sprouting in front of the eyes of the whole public will now manage everyone’s budget, abuse and steal everyone’s future. Such a criminal coalition is the new tsunami in the country,” VMRO-DPMNE said.


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