Skopje still has the most new COVID-19 cases


The capital Skopje still holds the record in new COVID-19 cases, followed by the larger regional centers, primarily Kumanovo and Prilep.

Of 1,768 tests carried out in the past 24 hours, 127 new COVID-19 cases were registered in North Macedonia, the Health Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday. New cases were registered in Skopje-38, Kumanovo-23, Debar-1, Shtip-3 Prilep-15, Tetovo-8, Struga-2, Veles-5, Bitola-1, Ohrid-1, Kavadarci-1, Gostivar-12, Strumica-1, Probishtip-3, Pehchevo-2, Berovo-3, Vinica-1, Delchevo-3, Sveti Nikole-3, and Negotino-1.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 13,799 confirmed coronavirus cases, while 10,210 people have recovered. Death toll has reached 573. At the moment, there are 3,016 active cases in the country.

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