Parliament to elect new government by midnight


Macedonia’s Parliament resumes Sunday the debate on election of the new government proposed by SDSM leader and PM-designate Zoran Zaev.During yesterday’s session, after the exposé of Prime Minister-designate Zoran Zaev, a heated discussion developed about the work of the Government so far, about certain shortcomings in the economic measures, as well as the unpreparedness for the start of the school year.

The topic of discussion was the change of the name of the country, mostly between VMRO-DPMNE MP Rashela Mizrahi and Prime Minister-designate Zaev.

The debate in parliament can last two days at most, followed by a public vote by midnight at the latest on Sunday (Aug. 30). The new government led by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev will consist of 19 ministers instead of the current 26.
Besides Zaev as Prime Minister, list of nominees for the government includes Ljupco Nikolovski as Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Fight against Corruption, Fatmir Bitikji – Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov – Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Oliver Spasovski – Minister of Interior, Radmila Shekerinska – Minister of Defence, Bojan Marichikj – Minister of Justice, Blagoj Bochvarski – Minister of Transport and Communications, Venko Filipche – Minister of Health, Mila Carovska – Minister of Education and Science, Jagoda Shahpaska – Minister of Labour and Social Policy and Irena Stefoska – Minister of Culture.

ArijanitHoxha from Besa will head up the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, and GoranMilevski from the LDP will be the Minister of Local Self-Government.

DUI’s candidates include Artan Grubi as First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System, Bujar Osmani – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fatmir Besimi – Minister of Finance, Kreshnik Bekteshi – Minister of Economy, Naser Nuredini – Minister of Environment and JetonShaqiri – Minister of Information Society and Administration.

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