State institutions spent 8 million euros on vehicles worth more than 30,000 euros


In the last two and a half years, state institutions have procured a total of 392 new passenger vehicles for which they spent 8.1 million euros, according to research data and a database released today by the Center for Civil Communications (CCC).

“A quarter of the purchased new vehicles are more expensive than 30,000 euros. Most new vehicles were procured by the Government Service for General and Common Affairs, 46 Passat cars of 39,000 euros each. However, the most expensive vehicle was bought by the Municipality of Struga and cost 66 thousand euros. The average value of vehicles purchased from state institutions is 17 thousand euros,” reads the data.

CCC states that among the brands of vehicles, Shkod and Volkswagen are convincingly leading, out of which 100 and 88 new vehicles were purchased, i.e. almost half of all newly purchased vehicles are from these two brands. Volkswagen leads with 53 Passat vehicles, while half of the Shkoda vehicles purchased are of the Octavia model.

From the companies, the highest value of the contracts have Porsche Leasing with three million euros, Kumanovo-based Deluxe-Auto with 1.2 million euros, Euroimpex with 890 thousand euros and Bitola-based Josifov with 720 thousand euros.

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