Ampeva: Manipulation of K-15 payments in the private sector continues


Three catering establishments, four supermarkets, three construction companies and thirty textile companies are on the list of the NGO “Glasen Tekstilec” – Stip, because they did not pay K-15 to the workers, or sent workers’ bills from 100 to 6,000 denars instead. maximum 10,100 denars for vacation reimbursement. Kristina Ampeva from the NGO Glasen Tekstilec-Stip says that textile workers are sending complaints from Kriva Palanka, Stip, Delcevo, Resen, Probistip and Kocani.

– So far it is learned that two have not paid vacation reimbursement at all, and some have paid it a few days after New Year. In Veles we have payments on K-15 of 100 denars. The other payments are in the amount of 1,000, 3,000, 3,500, 5,000 and 6,000 denars. A Stip textile company paid 4,000 denars in some kind of shopping voucher from a supermarket.

In the past few days, the association has helped about 20 workers submit requests for K-15 from their former firms, and, according to Ampeva, these workers only submitted them to the Labor Inspectorate. According to her, it is positive that workers are already using the Labor Inspectorate telephone number.

-It’s been two years since this number has been put to work, the number 15 131 which is put into operation by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Labor Inspectorate. Many workers have been using those mechanisms, for two years in a row, to say they should no longer use the institutions, mechanisms that are at their disposal, Ampeva said.

According to what they have as workers’ complaints, in two confections where there is a union organization, the pay of the annual vacation renbursement is inadequate, and as Ampeva says, it is shameful. It is precisely these confections that should serve as an example to others, she argues, in order to motivate workers and begin unionization.

– So far we have learned that five to six companies have paid full amount of K-15 of 10,100 denars, most of them from Stip. The problem that we have been facing for many years still remains, because it is not specified in the general collective agreement, which when the firm is at a loss, which is the lowest amount. That’s why it is like this and the same manipulations still happen, said Ampeva.

She asks the Public Revenue Office to explain what a loss means when a company is reported.

-The workers do not know, nor do we as an organization know what loss means, once I asked if it was an investment, whether it was a new car, new machines, what is a loss, what is a new investment, so we know what to say to workers, when they do not ask if 1,000 denars is a regular payment of K-15. In addition to answering this, we ask the PRO to clarify what company loss is, and to also check the situation on the ground, says Ampeva.

If the PRO needs information, representatives of Glasen Tekstilec have offered to provide it, as some companies report a loss while also using a bunch of government measures.

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